Saturday, January 25, 2014

Post One: Object Oriented Programming.

I have to admit, I'm not 100 percent sure what to write here. My first two weeks of CSC148 were largely unproductive. My first week I was stuck in Philadelphia, and my second week I found myself in a lecture section with a lecturer whose teaching-style was very much unattuned to my learning-style. As a result, I feel like my first lecture in CSC148 was in the third week. Obviously I feel a bit lost. I think I did OK on both the labs and the exercise, but I did so without implementing anything that I didn't learn in CSC108. In order to catch up, I arranged to meet with one of the instructors to get all the missed information.

This post is meant to be on the topic of object oriented programming. Bare in mind that none of the information that I'm about to write comes from the lecture material, rather it comes from my own reading:

Object oriented programming is a philosophy of programming that creates modular reusable sections of code called objects. The term object refers to an instance of a class. Objects and classes are analogous to actual items in the real world. For example: a Ford Mondeo could be thought of as an instance of the class car. That is to say that it has all the characteristics of a car but with unique parameters to those characteristics. Likewise cars can be thought of as a subclass to the super-class motor-vehicles. In a similar way in python we can create sub-classes whose instances inherit all of the properties of their super-class. 

The major advantages of object oriented programming are as follows . Firstly ease of use. It requires a much lesser degree of abstract thinking to talk about objects than other more abstract data structures.  Second is encapsulation. Objects can be used without causing errors in various different places in your code. They can also be imported completely into other projects.

Also, this is a baby giraffe.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I think that the slog isn't due 'till Sunday but I need to send in the URL now. This is a test to be sure that the slog works.

Also, this is a picture of a baby orangutan.